A piggy bank (or a marble jar) is a great metaphor for trust. Trust is built slowly over time. And, if you aren't careful, can be lost in a moment.
It's likely that you are extremely trustworthy in your commitments to others, but you may be prone to letting yourself down. And that's a betrayal of the worst kind.
Learning to keep your commitments to yourself is a foundational key to creating a life you love (so much so that we spent a full month getting better at honoring personal commitments in UNLEASHED Resilience in October).
Laura Gendron, CPDT-KA, and I had a wide-ranging discussion in which we looked a trust from a variety of angles. Since reliability is such a key factor in trust, we explored ways of setting yourself up for success, including internal and external forms of motivation and reinforcement.
As I often joke, everything in life relates to dog training, and we certainly proved that true with this conversation. 😄 https://colleenpelar.com/87
Check out Susan Friedman's episode on UNLEASHED (at work & home) about being a bold learner. She often uses the piggy bank analogy as well.
If you're eager to learn more, check out Atomic Habits, James Clear's excellent book about building habits by making behaviors obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying, and Brene Brown's work, including The Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly, Braving the Wilderness, Rising Strong, and Dare to Lead